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Last updated
Source: Proving Grounds OS: Linux Community Rating: Intermediate
I started by running autorecon against the target, which revealed two open ports:
SSH (22)
HTTP (80)
Since I didn't have valid SSH credentials at first, I began my analysis with the HTTP service.
While the fuzzers were working in the background, I checked the robots.txt file.
It revealed four paths:
Out of these, only the election path was active. The election page featured a single function interacting with the backend. Despite trying SQL injection, code injection, and other common techniques, nothing fruitful emerged from that endpoint.
Further fuzzing of the website uncovered additional interesting targets such as phpmyadmin and phpinfo.
I experimented with several passwords on phpmyadmin until I managed to log in using:
Username: root
Password: toor
Inside the database, I discovered a table with a user whose password was stored as an MD5 hash.
I ran hash-identifier to confirm its type and then cracked it via hashes.com, which yielded the password: Zxc123!@#
Initially, I attempted to use this credential via SSH, but it didn’t grant access. Instead, I tried it through the election/admin
interface and was able to log in.
Within the admin panel, I found a Logging module that allowed the admin to view system logs.
Checking these logs revealed another password for the user love: P@$$w0rd@123
Using this newly discovered credential, I successfully accessed the system via SSH.
After gaining SSH access, I ran linpeas.sh to enumerate the system further.
Among files with interesting permissions, there were hints pointing toward several exploitable CVEs. I focused on CVE-2021-4034, and it worked like a charm, it granted me root access.
Hidden Endpoints: Always check common files like robots.txt, as they can reveal valuable paths.
Weak Credentials: Default or weak passwords on services such as phpmyadmin can be a gold mine.
Log Analysis: Don’t overlook admin panels log files as they might expose additional credentials.
Exploitation Paths: Even when the initial credential doesn’t work for one service, trying it in another context (like an admin portal) can work.