Introduction to Web Application Attacks

  • There are 3 different methods of performing a web application pentest:

  • White-box testing describes scenarios in which we have unconstrained access to the application's source code, the infrastructure it resides on, and its design documentation.

  • The skills required for white-box testing include source code and application logic review, among others.

  • This testing methodology might take a longer time, relative to the size of the code base being reviewed.

  • sudo nmap -p80 --script=http-enum <IP Address> - Basic HTTP enumeration.

  • gobuster dir -u <IP Address> -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt - Basic directory enumeration.

  • Wappalyzer is a tool that can be used to discover the technologies used in a website (Available as an extension and also as a web interface where a link can be provided)

  • Once we have discovered an application running on a web server, our next step is to map all its publicly-accessible files and directories.

  • Gobuster is a tool that can help us with this sort of enumeration. It uses wordlists to discover directories and files on a server through brute forcing.

  • gobuster dir -u <IP Address> -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt - Basic Directory/File enumeration

  • Burp Suite is a GUI-based integrated platform for web application security testing. It provides several different tools via the same user interface.

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