Host and Port Scanning
After making sure that a host is alive, we move into the next step, which is, port scanning.
Mainly we are trying to identify the open ports and their services, service versions, and the operating system.
Ports States
This indicates that the connection to the scanned port has been established. These connections can be TCP connections, UDP datagrams as well as SCTP associations.
When the port is shown as closed, the TCP protocol indicates that the packet we received back contains an RST
flag. This scanning method can also be used to determine if our target is alive or not.
Nmap cannot correctly identify whether the scanned port is open or closed because either no response is returned from the target for the port or we get an error code from the target.
This state of a port only occurs during the TCP-ACK scan and means that the port is accessible, but it cannot be determined whether it is open or closed.
If we do not get a response for a specific port, Nmap will set it to that state. This indicates that a firewall or packet filter may protect the port.
This state only occurs in the IP ID idle scans and indicates that it was impossible to determine if the scanned port is closed or filtered by a firewall.
Discovering Open TCP Ports
By default, Nmap scans the top 1000 TCP ports with the SYN scan (
). This SYN scan is set only to default when we run it as root because of the socket permissions required to create raw TCP packets.Otherwise, the TCP scan (
) is performed by default. This means that if we do not define ports and scanning methods, these parameters are set automatically.We can define the ports one by one (
-p 22,25,80,139,445
), by range (-p 22-445
), by top ports (--top-ports=10
) from theNmap
database that have been signed as most frequent, by scanning all ports (-p-
) but also by defining a fast port scan, which contains top 100 ports (-F
).If we want to see trace the packets (
) and want to have a clear view of the SYN scan, we disable the ICMP echo requests (-Pn
), DNS resolution (-n
), and ARP ping scan (--disable-arp-ping
sudo nmap --top-ports=10
sudo nmap -p 21 --packet-trace -Pn -n --disable-arp-ping
Connect Scan
The Nmap TCP Connect Scan (
) uses the TCP three-way handshake to determine if a specific port on a target host is open or closed.The scan sends an
packet to the target port and waits for a response. It is considered open if the target port responds with anSYN-ACK
packet and closed if it responds with anRST
packet.The Connect scan is useful because it is the most accurate way to determine the state of a port, and it is also the most stealthy.
Unlike other types of scans, such as the SYN scan, the Connect scan does not leave any unfinished connections or unsent packets on the target host, which makes it less likely to be detected by intrusion detection systems (IDS) or intrusion prevention systems (IPS).
It is useful when we want to map the network and don't want to disturb the services running behind it, thus causing a minimal impact and sometimes considered a more polite scan method.
It is also useful when the target host has a personal firewall that drops incoming packets but allows outgoing packets. In this case, a Connect scan can bypass the firewall and accurately determine the state of the target ports.
However, it is important to note that the Connect scan is slower than other types of scans because it requires the scanner to wait for a response from the target after each packet it sends, which could take some time if the target is busy or unresponsive.
Filtered Ports
When a port is shown as filtered, it can have several reasons.
The packets can either be dropped or rejected by a firewall.
When a packet gets dropped, Nmap receives no response from our target, and by default, the retry rate (
) is set to 1. This means Nmap will resend the request to the target port to determine if the previous packet was not accidentally mishandled.Nevertheless, if we know that a host is alive, we can strongly assume that the firewall on this port is rejecting the packets, and we will have to take a closer look at this port later.
Discovering Open UDP Ports
Since UDP is a stateless protocol and does not require a three-way handshake like TCP. We do not receive any acknowledgement. Consequently, the timeout is much longer, making the whole UDP scan (
) much slower than the TCP scan (-sS
).Another disadvantage of this is that we often do not get a response back because Nmap sends empty datagrams to the scanned UDP ports, and we do not receive any response. So we cannot determine if the UDP packet has arrived at all or not. If the UDP port is open, we only get a response if the application is configured to do so.
sudo nmap -F -sU
Version Scan
option which is used to get additional available information from the open ports. This method can identify versions, service names, and details about our target.
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