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Last updated
Source: Proving Grounds OS: Linux Community Rating: Hard (I don't know how, this was really easy)
I began, as usual, with autorecon, which revealed two open ports:
SSH (22)
HTTP (80)
A visit to the HTTP service showed a programmer’s personal site, nothing exciting at first. I proceeded with the usual checks (robots.txt, etc.) while letting fuzzers run in the background.
The fuzzers revealed an "assets" folder. Upon checking that folder, I found a WordPress site located under /assets/fonts/blog/
After examining the blog, the hostname appeared, so I updated my /etc/hosts to properly resolve it.
Running wpscan in its default mode didn’t turn up any plugins; however, switching to aggressive plugin detection (using the -p --plugins-detection aggressive
flag) exposed two plugins.
Additionally, two WordPress users were discovered during the scan. I then started a brute-force attack against these users while checking for known vulnerabilities in the identified plugins.
The vulnerable plugin, wpdiscuz, turned out to be the key.
A known CVE allowed me to upload a shell. Although my initial attempts to execute commands via the PoC failed, likely due to an issue with sending the commands in that PoC. However, the shell was successfully uploaded. I used the uploaded shell to secure a reverse shell on the target.
After gaining initial access, I checked the wp-config file for credentials and found the username root and the password sup3r_s3cr3t. However, these credentials didn’t work on any other services I tested.
Once I had a foothold, I ran to check for privilege escalation opportunities. The process was almost too easy.
I discovered the user vagrant, which was still using the default password "vagrant". Switching to this account was a no-brainer. Even more, the vagrant user was configured to execute all sudo commands without a password prompt, a quick sudo -i
landed me straight into a root shell.
Thorough Scanning: Using aggressive detection modes with tools like wpscan can reveal vulnerabilities that a default scan might miss.
Default Credentials: The discovery of the vagrant user with its default password highlights the risks of leaving default credentials in place.
Over-Privileged Accounts: A misconfigured sudoers file can turn a minor vulnerability into a full system compromise.