Common Directories
These are default directories.
The /etc directory (short for etcetera) is a commonplace location to store system files that are used by the operating system.
For example, the sudoers file contains a list of the users & groups that have permission to run sudo or a set of commands as the root user.
passwd and shadow files. shows the users and the passwords for each user in encrypted formatting called sha512.
The /var directory, with "var" being short for variable data, stores data that is frequently accessed or written by services or applications running on the system.
For example, log files from running services and applications are written here, or other data that is not necessarily associated with a specific user (i.e., databases, backups, and the like).
Unlike the /home directory, the /root folder is actually the home for the root system user.
For example, log files from running services and applications are written here, or other data that is not necessarily associated with a specific user (i.e., databases, backups, and the like).
It can be presented by ~
Short for "temporary", the /tmp directory is volatile and is used to store data that is only needed to be accessed once or twice.
Similar to the memory on a computer, once the computer is restarted, the contents of this folder are cleared out.
Any user can write to this folder by default.
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