Nmap is an industry-standard tool for mapping networks, identifying live hosts, and discovering running services.
In Nmap, you can provide targets in four different ways:
List: For example,
<IP Address 1> <IP Address 2> <IP Address 3>
Range: For example,
<IP Address Range>
)Subnet: For example,
<IP Address/Subnet Mask>
)File: For example,
-iL <File Name>
The command
-sL <Target>
Shows you the list of targets without scanning them.
Live Host Enumration
Nmap can discover live hosts in three ways:
Local Network (Ethernet): When a privileged user scans targets on a local network, Nmap uses ARP requests.
Outside the Local Network (Privileged User): When a privileged user scans targets outside the local network, Nmap uses:
ICMP echo requests
TCP ACK (acknowledge) packets to port 80
TCP SYN (synchronize) packets to port 443
ICMP timestamp requests
Outside the Local Network (Unprivileged User): When an unprivileged user scans targets outside the local network, Nmap resorts to a TCP three-way handshake by sending SYN packets to ports 80 and 443.
The command
nmap -sn <Targets>
is used to scan for live hosts without performing port scans.
ARP scan is possible only if you are on the same subnet as the target systems.
Port Scanning
A server provides network services and adheres to specific network protocols. For simplicity, ports can be classified into two basic states:
Open: A service is listening on the port.
Closed: No service is listening on the port.
Nmap defines the following six port states:
Open: A service is actively listening on the specified port.
Closed: No service is listening on the specified port, although the port is accessible (i.e., it is reachable and not blocked by a firewall or other security appliances).
Filtered: Nmap cannot determine if the port is open or closed because the port is not accessible. This is usually due to a firewall preventing Nmap from reaching the port or blocking the responses.
Unfiltered: The port is accessible, but Nmap cannot determine if it is open or closed. This state is often encountered when using an ACK scan (
).Open|Filtered: Nmap cannot determine whether the port is open or filtered.
Closed|Filtered: Nmap cannot decide whether the port is closed or filtered.
sudo nmap -sC -sV -O -oA <Output Directory> <IP Address>
- Start with this command to enumerate the first few ports. (-sC
for default scripts, -sV
for version enum, -O
for OS enum)
sudo nmap -sC -sV -O -p- -oA <Output Directory> <IP Address>
- Scan all the ports, run this command after the initial scan because it takes a long time.
nmap --script vuln -oA <Output Directory> <IP Address>
- Runs vulnerability scripts.
nmap -sU -oA <Output Directory> <IP Address>
- Scan for the top UDP ports only.
Last updated