📍Introduction Page
This library/blog, or whatever you want to call it, is just a repository of my notes. I've always loved documentation and typing things down. Initially, I started doing it because I forgot things quickly, but then it developed into a habit and I became a documentation machine. Here you can find anything from notes on my journeys through various certificates, CTF write-ups, and more.
Just your friendly neighbourhood cybersecurity enthusiast, aka script kiddie who acts like they are not a script kiddie.
That's my Linkedin if you would like to connect for real tho.
$ls -la
A Cybersecurity Treasure Trove!
Just some:
CTF writeups.
Notes for certificates that I study for.
Tool Guides.
Books Summaries.
Anything else cybersecurity-related.
You Can Start with the Learning Process
🧠Learning Mindset🖇️Learning Dependencies🧮Learning ProcessCheck Some Tool Guides
✅Ffuf✅Nessus✅HydraCheck Some Write-Ups
🗃️Hack The Box MachinesCheck Some Certifications Notes
Penetration Tester (HTB CPTS)Last updated