
Type: Linux

Difficuility: Easy


IP Address:


  • Run nmap: sudo nmap -sC -sV -p- -Pn -oA Nibbles

  • 22/tcp is SSH and is secure by default (not many CVEs) so skip it

  • 80/tcp is HTTP, start running gobuster and enumerate the site manually

  • In the page source we found a directory (\/nibbleblog) (Started fuzzing this directory)

  • On the README page, we found multiple valuable information like the version of the system.

  • I searched for a CVE for this version and found one but it needs credentials (2015-6967).

  • Check the admin page and try default credentials (I tried many different combinations admin/admin, root/root, etc.. but nothing worked, so I checked other writeups to make sure I was not down a rabbit hole and turned out it's just admin/nibbles)

  • I used the reverse shell from pentest monkey ( and did the exploit manually by going to plugins and uploading it to My Image

  • It shows errors after uploading but it's meaningless (It says changes saved successfully)

  • I checked what commands we can run as sudo by using the command sudo -l

  • There is a shell file that we can run as root without a password.

  • When I tried to access the directory that contains the file I got the message that there is no such directory.

  • The directory is in the, so I unzipped the file (unzip and then typed my code into the shell (echo "/bin/sh/" > This is just a lazy way to spawn a shell as root instead of getting a reverse shell.


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